Thursday, July 19, 2007

Epsilon Indi ABC

Star type
g A: K3-5 Ve
g B: T1V
g C: T6V

Distance from Earth
g 11.83 ly

Star Service No.
g NA

g A: 1.3 by
g B: 1.3 by
g C: 1.3 by

Diameter/Mass/Temp (xSol)
g A: 76%; 77%; 7200 F
g B: 32xJupiter; 1,810 °F
g C: 28xJupiter; 0.027%; 1080 F

Brightness (xSol)
g A: 14.7%
g B: 0.002%
g C: 0.0000045%

g A: 59% to 110%
g B: NA
g C: NA

Comparison to Sol
g A: NA
g B: NA
g C: NA

Picture of star
g A: NA
g B: See picture
g C: See picture

Star system features
g Epsilon Indi has a stellar wind similar to the Sun's "Solar wind"
g Ba is separated from its host star by an estimated 1,459 AUs - into the reaches of the Oort Cloud in the Solar System
g Bb orbits Ba st 2.65 AUs and has an estimated nominal orbital period of around 15 years; the pair orbits Epsilon A with a period of at least 63,000 years

Known planets
g A: None
g B: None
g C: None

Habitable zone
g A: The distance from Epsilon Indi where an Earth-type planet could possibly have liquid water on its surface is centered around only 0.38 AU - around Mercury's orbital distance in the Solar System. At that distance from the star, such a planet would have an orbital period of around 99 days - just over a quarter of an Earth year. Star system probably is too young to boast a planet with an oxygen atmosphere, however.
g B: None
g C: None

Orbital map
g NA

View from star
g NA

Nearby stars
(Star systems with 10 light years)
g Lacaille 8760, 4.3 ly
g Lacaille 9352, 4.7 ly
g CD-49 13515, 4.8 ly
g Cincinnati, 7.1 ly
g EZ Aquarii 3, 8.2 ly
g Ross 154, 8.9 ly
g Delta Pavonis, 9.2 ly
g Alpha Centauri 3, 9.7 ly
g Hip 82725, 9.7 ly
g CD-46 11540, 9.9. ly
g L 347-14, 9.9 ly
g Luyten 726-8, 10 ly

Map locating star system
g See stellar map

Location in Earth sky
g Northwestern edge of constellation Indus, the Indian, southeast of Delta Indi and northwest of Alpha Tucanae; visible from Earth; see sky map

Other names
g A: Eps Ind
g A: HR 8387
g A: Gl 845
g A: Hip 108870
g A: HD 209100
g A: CP(D)-57 10015
g A: SAO 247287
g A: FK5 825
g A: LHS 67
g A: LTT 8813
g A: LFT 1677
g B: Epsilon Indi ba
g C: Epsilon Indi bb

Sci-fi mentions
g Worldwar novels by Harry Turtledove. Epsilon Indi is one of the subject systems ("Halless") of The Race. Halless also refers to the native planet, Halless, of the Hallesi, one of the two subject species (excluding Humans).
g Known Space novels and stories by Larry Niven. Home, the most Earthlike planet among the human colony worlds, orbited Epsilon Indi.
g Star Trek film and television franchise: "And the Children Shall Lead", episode of Star Trek (TOS) television series. Epsilon Indi is the home system of an evil energy being known as Gorgan; in "The Child", episode of Star Trek: The Next Generation television series, Wesley Crusher mentions Epsilon Indi while wistfully looking out the window of 10 Forward. The star system also is known as Draylax in the "Star Trek" universe, according to "Star Trek Star Charts."
g In “Space: Above and Beyond,” television series, the Epsilon Indi system is the site of the Tellus colony.
g Among the first 26 interstellar expeditions is one to this star system in Frederick Pohl's short story "Father of the Stars"
g Colony planet Indi'd Tear is in this star sytem in Derek Kunsken's short story "Beneath Sunlit Shadows"
g Archeologists destroy an alien burial site on the building because they don't undetrstand the building materials' structural integrity in Robert Silverberg's "The Man in the Maze."

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