Monday, October 8, 2007


Star type
g GJ 644 A: M3 Ve
g GJ 644 B: M4
g GJ 644 C: M7
g GJ 644 D: M3.5V

Distance from Earth
g 21.05 ly

Star Service No.
g NA

g GJ 644 A: NA
g GJ 644 B: NA
g GJ 644 C: NA
g GJ 644 D: NA

Diameter/Mass/Temp (xSol)
g GJ 644 A: NA; 42%; NA
g GJ 644 B: NA; 31%; NA
g GJ 644 C: NA; 9%; NA
g GJ 644 D: NA; 30%; NA

Brightness (xSol)
g GJ 644 A: 0.05011% (flare star)
g GJ 644 B: Underluminous for its mass by two or three magnitudes
g GJ 644 C: 0.0008% (?)
g GJ 644 D: NA

g GJ 644 A: NA
g GJ 644 B: NA
g GJ 644 C: NA
g GJ 644 D: NA

Comparison to Sol
g See chart (stars similar to (Proxima)

Picture of star
g NA

Star system features
g A brown dwarf once was thought to be part of this star system, but detection later proved false

Known planets
g GJ 644 A: NA
g GJ 644 B: NA
g GJ 644 C: NA
g GJ 644 D: NA

Habitable zone
g GJ 644 A: NA
g GJ 644 B: NA
g GJ 644 C: NA
g GJ 644 D: NA

Orbital map
g Stars A and B separated by 1.3 AU, orbiting one another every 1.7 years

View from star
g NA

Nearby stars
(Star systems with 10 light years)
g NA

Map locating star system
g NA

Location in Earth sky
g In constellation Ophiuchus

Other names
g A: Wolf 630A; V1054 Ophiuchi
g B: Wolf 630B
g C: VB 8; LHS 429; Wolf 630 C; Van Viesbroeck 8
g D: Wolf 629; Wolf 630 Da; Gliese 643; LHS 427; BD-08 4352 C; Gl 644 D; BD-08 4352 C

Sci-fi mentions
g NA

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